SkeptiCamp NYC Rules for HTML Fields
HTML is NOT required for Session Descriptions or Biographies. However, if you prefer to sprinkle in a little bit of emphasis, the following HTML tags are allowed to be in them:
- <p> - Paragraph indicator
- <b> - Bold text
- <i> - Italics
- <u> - Underlined text
- <br /> - Forced line break
Some other rules:
- NO other HTML elements will be allowed. In most other cases, < and > characters will be replaced with HTML-encoded equivalents: < and >.
- SOME elements, considered "dangerous" because they can inject JavaScript or do other nasty stuff, will be removed entirely, such as script and iframe tags.
- Please CLOSE all of your tags. For example: <p> should be followed by a </p> at the end of the paragraph. Our system will try to auto-close any tags you leave open, but it could be ugly.
Unclosed line break tags, <br>, will automatically become self-closing tags: <br />.
- HTML is NOT allowed in the Title of your session, at this time.